We just wanted to say Hi and Happy 2013! This weekend Ben will be in Atlanta with the Mohler family and Dock will be in DC with the Norry family. Ella and Ava are going with Dock to visit with Will and Emily Norry and Kate Lamkin. Next weekend Dock and Ella will be in NY with the Schwartz, Garvey and Tagaris families.
Meanwhile things remain in full swing at Camp Pinnacle. Many counselors have already committed to coming back and we are hiring several great former Adventure Treks students to add to our exceptional 2013 counselor team.
Tom and Nick are hard at work building all sorts of new stuff. You will barely recognize Camp Pinnacle next year! Get ready for another great summer. We can’t wait! As you can tell from the Gaga photo below – camp isn’t quiet. Our local campers get together at camp all the time – Even in the winter there is a lot to do!
And thanks to an anonymous alumni who stopped by, saw all the improvements and was so excited that she donated $500 to the building fund! Wow! THANK YOU!