Opening and Closing Days

We will be anxiously awaiting your camper’s arrival on Opening Day! All sessions begin on Sunday and end on Friday.

Opening Day

Camp opens at 9 a.m. Upon arrival, our staff will provide your camper’s cabin assignment and direct you to the gym for check-in. After checking in with Jane, your camper will get a lice and temperature check, you’ll check in with the nurse, and you’ll meet his or her counselors. Our staff will take all trunks and duffels to cabins. We ask that parents wrap up goodbyes by 11:30 a.m. so that the fun of camp can begin!

If your camper has medication, please bring in original packaging to the nurse during check-in.




Closing Day

Camp also opens at 9 a.m. on Closing Day. Everyone is invited and encouraged to stay for our fun closing ceremony at 10 a.m., which lasts about 30 minutes. Staff will be available to help transport your camper’s luggage to your car, and early enrollment registration for the following year will be available. Before leaving, please stop by the lost and found table to ensure your camper has all of his/her belongings. Campers who are flying home will likely miss our closing ceremony, so please do not plan your flight itinerary around the ceremony.

Please, for all of our campers’ safety and comfort, leave all pets at home on Opening and Closing days.

